I've graduated to 6 months

Oncologist visit yesterday and I graduated to not having to go back for 6 months - YEA!!!!!!!!!!

It's been every three months since I finished the Herceptin. I'm so delighted, another goal reached.

I'm still having side effects from Arimidex (probably will as long as I'm on it), but so far it's tolerable at least. Some of mine are the regular ones and some seem to be some of he more uncommon ones
  • frequent debilitating fatigue and very low energy level
  • leg and back aches
  • hot flashes
  • VERY thin hair
  • indigestion & nausea
  • some insomnia
  • runny nose
  • heart blips and dizzy spells
I do have to have a bone density scan in November - routine while I'm on Arimidex, and I'm visiting a Cardiologist later this month - that's probably from the Arimidex also.

But, it could be worse - and we do what we have to do. I really didn't want to go on this medication (nor did I want to do chemo)... and everyone has to make those decisions for themselves. However, I'm reminded that there are 12 reasons for all this treatment - and their names are; Jeff, Hugh, Dixie, Asher, Matthew, A.J., Brandon, Markie, Nathan, Brittany, Foster, and Ariel - my four children and eight grandchildren!

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