New boobs & bras

Eventful day today. Went into Huntsville for my yearly checkup with my surgeon (no, I still don't want reconstructive surgery) and then to the "boob store". Well, that's not it's official name, but that's what "I" call it.

Of course, they're officially mastectomy bras and 'prosthesis' - does that mean I'm handicapped because I have prosthesis?

Anyway, it was time for new ones - and this time I wanted some of the ones that are supposed to be cooler. Those rascals I had gave me a meltdown on a hot/humid day. So, the new ones have a sort of 'liner' on the side close to your body that's made of something they use in the astronauts suits (does that mean I can go into outer space now?). Time will tell if they actually are any cooler than the old ones.

Several new bra styles since I got mine 2 years ago, so I tried 3 different ones. We'll see which I like the best.

The consultant at the boob store said my old ones were in really good condition, considering... yeah, considering I don't wear them all the time :) I do try to make a decent appearance when I'm going out - but I'm not wearing those suckers at home.

So, I guess I'm good to go for another couple of years - assuming I live that long. Wonder what new and wonderful things they'll have by then.

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