Sick again

Broken down again

...notwithstanding getting quite tired of it.

Had influenza and bronchitis over the Christmas/New Year's vacation and never totally disposed of the hack.

A week and part in the past woke to a Chilly house (out of gas/no high temperature) and have had a sore throat and getting worse following then. And then btw, it was the gas ensemble blame I ran out of gas, I'm on some sort of arrangement where that would be not supposed to happen (propane). They got here within a hour of my telephone call but "I" never got warm the rest of that week. Anyway, that would be an additional story.

In this way, this hack and sore throat has waited and I irrevocably backpedaled to the specialist yesterday. He expresses its worse than the final time. This time isn't influenza, but sinus tainting and still bronchitis. Shots and solutions and cheerfully preferred soon. Assuming that I'm not preferred by following week he desires a midsection x-flash :-(

I'd had an Oncologist visit in the middle of the proposed sessions, but appeared to be well-nigh over it then. He did request a check x-flash however (which I actually haven't gotten around to yet). Speculate I'll point for that following week.

I haven't presented any of the above momentarily-but actually haven't been in the mind-set. Got to finish up that and understand the blah feeling.