I did it!

I've been meaning to do it for ages, just kept putting it off and putting it off.  Then a bunch of Christmas stuff got put in there and I could barely get to my clothes.

Yes, I'm talking about cleaning out my closet. 

It was a total mess and I'm not a messy person, nor am I a pack rat (well, not normally anyway), so it was driving me nuts!

I have a lovely walk-in closet that was so stuffed I couldn't find anything.  And,  I had all these clothes from before my breast cancer - which swallow me whole now.   I was afraid I'd gain some of the weight back with Arimidex - but I haven't.  As a matter of fact I lost a few more pounds over the holidays when I was sick with flu and bronchitis.  So, all those clothes I haven't worn in almost 3 years had to go. 

And purses.  Who keeps old purses?  Well, you know, you might want to use that particular one again.  NOT! 

My car is now FULL of bags for Salvation Army.  And, the trash got a pile too - that weren't fit to even donate.

So, in addition to feeling SO much better for having gotten rid of all that stuff - I'm $40 richer.  Went through all the old purses before putting them in the donation bag - and sure enough, one had two twenty dollar bills.

I'm a happy camper!

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